Christine Webb’s 365 days of Tao manuscript is a seven-year labor of love, an in-depth artist illustrated journey with exerts & passages written by Deng Ming-Dao 365 days of Tao. In 2005 Christine was gifted this book by a dear friend and over the years she found a deep peace meditating on each pages words. At the end of 2015, after series of traumatic events, she found herself reflecting back on them in depth, & challenged herself to paint a picture and memory to correlate with each day starting January 1, 2016 in a tiny 2.5 x 4 inch Moleskine Blank Daily planner (now discontinued). Thus began the journey of the manuscript. In the style and inspired by the old illuminated manuscripts, this is her modern take on Deng Ming-Dao’s inspirational words and with Christine Webb’s beautiful artistry & illuminated illustrations. Over the 7 year span of creating the manuscript more life events happened; deaths, pandemic, etc. Christine found herself diving deeper into the book with even further insights, creating something beautiful out of the pain. By letting go of all fear of failure, concepts, judgments, giving into the here and now, to live in harmony with “the way” things are. The daily challenge transmuted into inner peace over years. Christines process included meditating on each page before creating with pure love and intention, she the. poured herself and her life experiences into the painting each page. Christine presents this self published special edition book & invites to you experience this magical artistic journey through her eyes. 2000 limited special edition leather bound books- signed and numbered by the artist.
New Arrivals

Christine Webb is a contemporary visionary artist & illustrator with her studio residing in Los Angeles. Claiming marked influences from the sciences, psychedelic & surrealist art and film, fashion, comics, and all types of music, she paints a delicate world of intricately layered styling.
A visionary alchemist of sorts, she spends days in the studio immersed in literary and observed research, piecing together deep layers and color palettes to perfect the unique method by which she produces her work.
The pages of Christine Webb's manuscript is a visual marvel, where her hand-drawn art transcends imagination. With vivid hues, meticulous strokes, and enchanting details, each page unfolds a symphony of emotion. Characters and backgrounds come alive, creating a harmonious ballet of visual ecstasy. Webb's work isn't just art; it's a thrilling celebration of boundless creativity.
Place the word Tao into your heart. Use no other words. The Tao is constantly moving, the path that all life and the whole universe takes. There is nothing that is not part of it—harmonious living is to know and to move with the Tao—it is a way of life, the natural order of things, a force that flows through all life. 365 Tao is a contemporary book of meditations on what it means to be wholly a part of the Taoist way, and thus to be completely in harmony with oneself and the surrounding world. Deng Ming-Dao is the author of eight books, including The Living I Ching, Chronicles of Tao, Everyday Tao, and Scholar Warrior. His books have been translated into fifteen languages. He studied qigong, philosophy, meditation, and internal martial arts with Taoist master Kwan Saihung for thirteen years, and with two other masters before that.
Coming Soon.
Visit Christine Webb at Opensea. A collection of 365 physical paintings digitized and put on the Ethereum blockchain.